Ola Hallengren’s DDBoost Backups

The already awesome Ola’s Maintenance solution for SQL Server became more awesome with his latest release. If you are not aware of Ola’s maintenance solution, you should definitely check it out. In the July 2018 release, quite a few enhancements were introduced. My personal favorites are ability to add percentage of modified rows to update stats, resumable index rebuilds support and support for EMC DDboost(Data Domain Boost). In fact I was badly waiting for DDboost support last year(we were using DDboost to backup our VLDBs). Unfortunately, DDboost was not something Ola’s solution suported at that time and what I ended up was writing up my own stored procs calling “dbo.emc_run_backup” and “ddbmexptool.exe” based on our Lockbox settings and scheduled the jobs as needed. Well, I got it worked without any issues but had to spend quite a bit of time to understand all the bells and whistles of DDboost and come up with my own procs and error logging.

If you happen to have any plans evaluating DDBoost for SQL backups now or in near future, well you have an awesome solution already available. All you need to do is pass ‘DATA_DOMAIN_BOOST’ as a parameter for third-part backup software in Ola’s backup job and specify below parameters.

Image source: https://ola.hallengren.com/sql-server-backup.html


A big shout-out to Ola! Cheers, Happy weekend.

Dedicated Admin Connection(DAC) from SSMS

DAC is probably the most useful tool for troubleshooting SQL Server in few scenarios. Basically, It can be used as a back door entry in case the server goes unresponsive and doesn’t accept any new connections. So, how to make a DAC to SQL Server Instance? Preferred way is to use SQLCMD by issuing -A switch. But few folks might prefer SSMS over SQLCMD. In this blog post let’s see how to make a dedicated admin connection from SSMS.

Well, all you need to do is prefexing “admin:”to your instance name. I’ve a default SQL Instance(SQLTREK2), so in order to make a dedicated admin connection, all I’ve to do is use “admin:SQLTREK2” as my connection string. Okay, Let’s see what my SSMS does when I do that.

Dedicated administrator connections are not supported via SSMS as it establishes multiple connections by design. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlStudio.Explorer)

If you wonder what multiple connections its talking about, It is referring to Object Explorer(Yes, OE establishes its own connection). But there can be only one DAC session at any given time. So, how to get around this issue in SSMS?

Method 1:
Creating DAC session by initiating connection from query pane. In the below screenshot, you can see I have a query pane which is currently disconnected.

Right click in the query pane and go to connection and click connect(providing admin:Instance name)

Well, SSMS created a pop-up which says it failed to connect, But I would like you folks to focus on the status bar where it did established a connection using admin:SQLTREK2. So basically this window is your DAC session.

Method 2:
By using ‘Database Engine Query’ connection. By using this method, you can avoid the error message which SSMS returned(shown in the above screenshot). All you have to do is click on Database Engine Query button right beside ‘New Query’ and make a connection. See below screen shots.

Voila! That was easy right….

Bonus points to you if you have noticed difference between ‘connect to server’ and ‘connect to database engine’. See below if you haven’t.

From Object Explorer: (DAC fails)

DB Engine query: (DAC Succeeds)

Hope this helps! Happy holidays…!

dbccLastKnownGood – The 2016 way.

How to check when was the last known good CheckDB for a given database? As of today on all the versions including SQL 2017(Except 2016 SP2), the easiest way we can get that information is by querying boot page of the database and look for “dbi_dbccLastKnownGood” value. You could do that by using DBCC page or DBCC DBINFO(). For folks who are paranoid about running DBCC PAGE or DBCC DBINFO command in production, If you have a monitoring tool which is displaying this information, I am 100% sure that’s exactly what your tool is running behind the scenes. Nothing to worry about, we are just reading the contents, not modifying anything in the boot page. Anyways, what got changed or I should say what was introduced in SQL 2016 SP2?

Well, we can pull this information from our good old friend DATABASEPROPERTYEX()  🙂

The Microsoft documentation says “Starting SQL 2016 SP2”. Okay, let’s test this on SQL 2017. I have a test database named “packers” on which I ran checkdb around 10:56 PM 05/14/2018 successfully. FYI

Let’s verify by pulling the info from DATABASEPROPERTYEX() on my SQL 2017 RTM Instance.

Oops! It returned NULL. So, basically it’s saying that we provided an invalid Input. Hmm, that’s not good!

Alright, Let’s check what does that report on a SQL Server 2016 SP2 Instance.
From Boot page:

Now, let’s pull the info from Databasepropertyex().

Yeyyy….That works! So….As of today, May 14th 2018, looks like this only works on SQL 2016 SP2 which was released just few weeks ago. I hope Microsoft fix their documentation or get this thing implemented in SQL 2017 in the next CU.

I wonder why it took so many years for Microsoft to implement this simple feature. Anyways we have it now and we don’t need to worry about querying boot page to pull this basic yet very useful/critical information.


SQL Server 2016 SP2 got released :)

Microsoft released SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2 today. Visit https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4052908/sql-server-2016-service-pack-2-release-information for all the details you need. There’s a looooong list of number of bugs fixed and enhancements made. Couple of DMVs and features from SQL 2017 were back ported as well.

Make sure you go all the way to the bottom of the page regarding GOTCHAS with uninstalling 2016 SP2 if needed. This is the section which I would like you guys to focus on if you are not on Enterprise Edition.
